
Backpacking Gear List: Beginner, Intermediate & Ultralight
While backpacking, most of your pack weight comes from your four largest pieces of gear: your backpack, tent, sleeping bag, and sleeping pad. We recommend our top picks for each of these items here, as well as the perfect hiking shoe, water filter, and stove system for your skill level.- Mekenna Malan
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The Best Climbing Routes in Ogden, From Beginner to Advanced
There’s something for everyone in these foothills, including a lifetime's-worth of climbing routes to send. Here's just a snippet of the best beginner, intermediate, advanced, and trad climbs that Ogden has to offer.- Mekenna Malan
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Stacy Bernal on how running the Ogden Marathon + how it changed her life for the better
Lace up those running shoes—the Ogden Marathon is happening on May 21st! We sat down with Stacy Bernal, a runner and ambassador for the Ogden Marathon, to talk about what the marathon means to her.- Mekenna Malan
- Tags: best marathon utah ogden canyon marathon ogden marathon see stacy speak stacy bernal utah marathon utah runner